Foraging Excursions

Connect with what our land has to offer with a walk in the woods or along the coast of Newfoundland.
We’ll pick foliage and edibles along the way to create a culinary experience you won’t forget.

This can be for a small group of 2 or a great way for your team to connect with our larger tours up to 50.

Private Dinner

Become a guest in your own home with an underground supper club.
Alex will transform a space of your choice into a fine dining restaurant for one night. Everything from the food, service and clean up is taken care of - all you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy being catered to.

Cookery Classes

Online or in-person, we have a class for you!

We've been offering cookery classes for 10 years now, ranging from fresh pasta to breads, butchery and heaps in between!

If you’re part of a team that’s spread across the globe you can all get together for a hands on experience virtually - We do big classes for companies such as Microsoft, Verafin to small start ups with a team of 4!

Speaking engagement

Whether it’s sharing the importance of connecting culture and community to tourism or building a business with core values, our mission is to share our experiences in anyway we can.

Alex has been an ambassador for Adventure Canada, featured in Canadian Geographic and speaking at multiple tourism conferences in 2024.

 If you’re looking to get in contact with The Alder Cottage please email us at